针对雅思口语中“工作”类话题示例"Describe a foreign country/place where you would like to work for a short period of time"的五个角度的回答,在上期文章中已经介绍了三个角度的回答,现在看看另外两个角度的回答吧!
I could escape the old baggage. We all get into self-defeating routines that can rob us of our dreams and passions. We are afraid to try new things because we might fail and we all need to maintain a certain status among our peer groups. For better or worse, being abroad allows me to jump out of my comfort zone and do things I might not have considered.
I could get out of my system. There is an incredible amount of peer and societal pressure to keep purchasing material possessions such as bigger houses, newer cars and more things just because that is what everyone else is doing. As an outsider in a foreign country, I can keep such consumerism at a safe distance. It is cool and normal to not have anything when I'm temporarily experiencing a foreign culture.