Task 1
考试日期 |
2019年9月12日 |
类别 |
Pie chart |
题目 |
讲述3个不同年份不同车辆的比例的变化。 动态饼图,图形不详 选取主要的特征对信息进行概括,在相关的地方进行比较。 |
写作指导 |
1. 注意时态,时间发生在过去,要用一般过去时。 2. 考生们在写作时一般以横向趋势的变化为主线,辅以纵向的比较。 |
重点表达式 |
Present an upward trend The growth in the motor number in sp. was the most evident. Next comes …, which is higher than … A similar trend was depicted in the number of a and b, rising from … to … and … to … Compared with the growth of a, that of b was more/less significant. |
题目评价 |
难度一般 |
推荐练习 |
剑桥真题7, Test 4 剑桥真题8, Test 2 |
近期考试趋势 |
近三个月考的大多是数据类图表,根据以往经验,接下来几次需注意流程图的回马枪以及高频柱表图形的出现。 |
Task 2
考试日期 |
2019年9月12日 |
类别 |
教育类 |
题目 |
In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a wide range of subjects. In other countries, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system is appropriate? |
题目翻译 |
一些国家的*旨在通过大量广泛的学科*通识教育,但其他一些国家则专注于和某个职业相关的小范围科目。 对于现如今*,你觉得哪种体系会更好? |
写作指导 |
1. 注意时态,不要出现过去时(除非举过去的例子) 2. 该题重复2015年10月8日大作文原题,(也是范文书139页原题),再次提醒广大考生,紧追考题回顾(过往机经)是极其重要的。
推荐立场:该题为两个观点式的讨论类的话题,是通才教育更好还是只专注于择业相关的课程会更好。值得注意的是,后题目问的是哪一种会更好,所以考生要根据自己的立场给出偏向。此题来说,考虑到学生的主体是secondary students, 建议考生写a wide range of subjects会更容易一些。
推荐思路:四段式 Opening: 背景介绍,表达观点。 Body1: 分析通才教育的好处。 通才教育帮助人实现全面发展,培养多元的兴趣和才华,可以使受教育者适应未来不同领域的工作,因此,可以减少单一职业选择带来的失业的风险。专才教育通常传授的是以择业为导向的知识,和就业相关联的技能,仅仅是一种生存技能的培养,相反,通才教育不仅是传授知识,还涉及到人的道德教育、性格培养、心灵成长,因此,通才教育更能体现完美教育的真谛。 Body2:指出专才教育的好处,但是对于*生来说,并不是佳选择。人们的精力和时间有限,广泛涉猎,难免蜻蜓点水。相反,集中精力学习一门课程,可以使人成为一个领域的*。毕竟,人生的奋斗的过程就是追求稀缺的过程,你要成为不可替代者。但是,对于*生来说,focus on narrow 并不一定是佳选择,因为学生们还不见得能发现自己喜欢什么或者擅长什么,从而能够清晰地择业。 Conclusion: 重申立场,总结观点,做适当展望。 |
写作范文 |
Aiming to cultivate specialists, rather than so-called general ones, secondary schooling in some countries tends to only encapsulate a narrow range of subjects relevant to specific professions. From my perspective, however, diversified selection of subjects is more appropriate for secondary schoolers.
Compared with solely imparting career-related knowledge, courses in great varieties are more suitable for the vast majority of students. A person who has studied a wide range of subjects could, to a large extent, realize his or her all-rounded development. More specifically, people will broaden their scope of knowledge as well as mental horizons through diverse learning. Another convincing argument is that the cultivations of various competences could help one make full preparations for work in different domains. Conversely, a man who just emphasizes on the subjects he or she takes interest in will have to face higher risks of unemployment triggered by a single career choice.
Indeed, I have to admit that acquiring career-oriented knowledge and job-related skills guarantees students’ expertise when entering career. It is simply because one’s time and endeavor are limited so that he or she cannot master every field in a short period of time – just as the proverb es, Jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. However, specialized education means that students need to choose a profession they will take on in the future. When students are at such a young age, to figure out what subjects they are od at or have interest in is never easy. If they mis-choose a field that they think is boring, that will be a big trouble.
Considering that students are in secondary-schooling, I tend to believe that taking various courses is more feasible and rational. |
题目评价 |
重复2015年10月8日原题 |
推荐练习 |
Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. |
近期考试趋势 |
雅思写作在具体化问题的同时仍在考旧题。近可多关注社会、媒体、教育和动物类话题。 |